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4 weird foods that you don’t want to eat

Weird foods Usually when we talk about food we will be discussing about mouth-watering dishes and dessert that can make you obese in 3 month. But this time we’re going to show you something a little bit different. We’re going to show you 4 food that’s so weird you just DON'T want to eat them. #1 - Balut Duck embryo These duck eggs was left until the embryo started to develop before they’re boiled alive. Then, a little bit of salt is added to the eggs before they’re eaten. #2 - Baby Mice Wine Mice wine It is Korean and Chinese traditional wines. This wine was made by putting living baby mice into the bottle #3 - Black Pudding Made of blood, usually pork blood This sausage is made of blood and oatmeal. It usually served as breakfast. #4 - Surstromming Image : Wiki Those fish was left in the can for a very long time. Only a little bit of salt was added to prevent the fish from rotting.  They say it smell delicious when you open the can.

Cartoon characters interacting with their artists

The Japanese people often come up with a lot of cool idea. Recently on twitter, Japanese artists are interacting with their cartoon characters. As you might already know, the Japanese artists are pretty good at drawing  cartoon and come up with something creative (or even creepy). And this time the idea is pretty amazing and make the cartoon look more adorable. I like how most of the characters refuse to get themselves colored by the artists. Other than that the way the characters rebel against their artists was pretty amusing. Without further delay, lets check out  some of them below.

12 awesome animal typography

An Australia graphic designer, Dan Fleming had create a very creative project where he draw animals using the alphabet that is used to spell the animals. This kind of art is known as typography and it involve using a variation of colors and alphabet to draw the shape of the animals. The art itself are pretty interesting and if you look at the drawing below, you might realize that this kind of drawing is very suitable to be turned into a company logo especially if your company name have an animals name in it. For example, I can see some company named Snail Corporation using this kind of art and drawing as their company logo. However, before we take a lot at the drawing itself, let read a little bit about the designer. His name is Dan Fleming, work as a graphic designer and specializing in brand identity and logo design. Other than holding a B.A. in Graphic & Communication Design from the University Of Leeds, he also have 4 years of experience! You can visit his website,  http:

9 of the oldest trees in the world

They had live for thousand of years. For decades, they see the rise and fall of the humans empires, becoming a silent witness of human history. That is the story of the oldest tree in the world. Today, we’re revealing 9 of the oldest living tree on earth. Methuselah The Methuselah tree Methuselah is a pine tree and considered as world oldest tree. How old is the oldest tree? you might wonder, the Methuselah had live for more than 4,800 years.  It is located in Great Basin Bristlecone, Nevada. There was suppose to be an even older tree called Prometheus there but the tree was cut down in 1964. Sarv e-Abarkooh The Sarv e-Abarkooh tree This tree is located in Abarkooh, Iran. Sarv e-Abarkooh is a cypress tree that had live for almost 4,000 years.  The tree is also known as 'Zoroastrian Sarv' and it is a symbol of community and religion for the Iranian. Alerce Alerce tree   Base on the fossils that they found, researchers estimate that this species exist since 35 m

Some fun facts about camels

Fun facts about cats and dogs can be found easily all over the internet. To make thing a little unique and different,today you’ll be reading some fun facts about  camels. This awesome creature not only used as a mean of transportation, it also useful in war and as a source of meat. Camels are not just a mean of transportation... Camels can live up to approximately fifty years. Human had used camels for various purpose since 5000 years ago. Camel had a very thick eye lashes that protect their eye from sandstorms. Camels didn’t store water in their humps, instead water are stored in their blood. A camel’s hump is where they store their fat. Camels can travel a few days without food or water. Camels will be “pregnant” for 11 month before their baby is born.Camels are able to carry up to 500kg of load for long distant travel. Camels eat Grass, dates, wheat, leaves and plants. Camels can close their nostrils and lips to prevent sand from getting in. Camels has a small ear but

Rubik's Cube Invention, it wasn’t actually a toy

We rarely see a toy that can maintain it popularity for more than a generation. Just like Barbie, Play-Doh and Lego, the Rubik’s cube have now prove it ability to last for generations as it celebrates its 40th birthday recently. Invention Of The Rubik's Cube What make it remarkable is the fact that the Rubik’s cube wasn’t actually invented as a toy. It was created by Erno Rubik, an architect from Hungarian as a working model to explain 3 dimensional geometry. The first Rubik’s cube was weight 2 times heavier that the current one and it was called “Magic Cube”. However, after he design the cube, Rubik realize that he couldn’t solve the puzzle himself as the colored squares become more mixed up the more he move them. The cube can be rearranged in 43 quintillion different ways. Nevertheless, he finally solve the puzzle after a month by rearranging the corner of each side first. It took a few years for Rubik to market his invention as a toy. In 1979, Rubik’s cube was recognize

5 awesome ways to re-use retired aircraft

Usually, most airplanes will be left to rust away at the end of their flying career. However, some creative peoples have a better ideas than to let these retired airplane to “die” alone.  Let’s check out how peoples put these retired airplanes to use. Playgrounds In a few places around the world such as Germany, Ecuador, and New Zealand, an old airplanes in turned into a playground. This amazing ideas will surely make playing on the playground even more fun for kids.   A hotel If you ever need a place to spent the night near Arlanda Airport in Sweden, consider giving Jumbo Stay a try. This hotel have 27 room and the interior is totally inviting. Restaurant In south Korea, an old airplanes was turned into a restaurant. Very unique themes, the customers probably didn’t even care if the food is good when they’re dinning at places as unique as this. Furniture A lot of furniture look awesome because of the design, but these furniture are simply amazing because of the f

5 most well-guarded locations in the world

Cheyenne Mountain According to the TV show, they have Stargate here This mountain used to be the command center for NORAD and U.S space command mission. The tunnel is protected by solid granite to make sure this place is well-guarded. However, NORAD no longer run their operation from here. In Stargate SG-1 TV show, this is where the stargate is hidden. The Greenbrier Well, look pretty good for a nuclear bunker This resort is located deep in the forest of West Virginia. There is a nuclear bunker underneath it which contain enough supplies for the U.S congress members in case there is a nuclear attack. Federal reserve bank in NY Also guarded by a bunch of CCTV This is where 25% of world’s gold is stored. The vault is located 80 feet below street level and the entire places is guarded by a bunch of well-trained marksmen. Fort Knox The fort This is where the U.S declaration of independent is stored. Well protected with 22 ton blast door and heavily guarded. Area

6 old inventions that you probably never heard of

Today technologies are amazing, we have a bunch of cool gadget to play with but that doesn’t mean the past generation never come up with any fancy ideas. Lets check out 6 weird invention from the past the you probably never heard of. The Amphibious bicycle Imagine this becoming an extreme sport Some peoples said bicycle is not really geat as a mean of transportation. Then, how about an amphibious bike! This bicycle can carry up to 120 pound of load and mean to be use as water-and-land transportation . Revolver camera Say cheese! This is not your ordinary gun. When someone pull the trigger, this revolver will automatically take a picture. All-terrain car Look awesome Designed in 1936. Who need road when you can get one of this! Radio hat Just like an I-pod They don’t mp3 players back then. So how can they listen to their favorite songs while they’re on the move? By wearing one of this radio hat of course! This hat is made in 1931 by an American inventor. Car

Now peoples can print houses using a giant 3D printer

A little painting and this house turned into your dream home. Photo : Gizmag Shelter is one of the most basic human need. But building houses had become a very difficult task mostly due to the facts that a lot of countries simply didn’t have enough construction workers and the amount of money involve in building houses for the population. So, what can we do to tackle all this problem? We print houses with 3D printer of course! Recently in east China, a private company had use a set of giant 3D printer to print out not just 1 but 10 houses. The one-story houses look like other ordinary houses, the only different is these houses was build using an intelligent printing array. This intelligent printing array is made of 4 printers that use automatic spray to print out the house wall layer by layer. The material it use to print these wall is a combination of cement and construction waste. Ma Yihe, the inventor of this giant 3D printer and his team are very proud of their quick-dr

They use to produces poison gas here, now this island is covered by bunnies

Okunoshima the rabbits island During the world war 2, Okunoshima is a location where the military manufactured the poison gas. The operation was so secret, the island it self had been erased from many maps. The bunnies were used to test the power of the chimecal weapon produced there. But that was years ago. Today, this is Bunnies Territory! After the world war, Okunoshima which sometime called Usagi Jima (rabbits island) had been developed as a park. The island now have a hotel, camping ground and even a golf course. Visitor can even swim in the water surrounding the island. However, a lot of peoples who arrive here might loose their desire to camping, swimming or even playing golf almost immediately due to being overwhelm by cuteness. Just look at this little fella! Photo by ikumi C @ Flickr | CC You’re not allowed to hunt these creatures here, obviously. And they don’t let dogs or cats around the island too. The ruin As you arrive on the island, you might see the

4 benefits of humans tear

Photo by OpenClipart It is true that crying for too long can cause your eye to turned red and swollen. However,tear also had it own goodness that will benefit your mind and body health. What are those benefits? Find out the benefits of your tear and cry! :D 1. Clear your view Liquid that come out of your eyes can help to prevent dehydration which will cause your view to become fuzzy. 2. Killing bacterias Your tear can also work as an antibiotic. There is something in your tear called Lisozom that’s able to kill about 90 to 95% of bacterias that can be found on your computer keyboard, stairs and many other places. 3. Improve your mood Crying can improve your mood when you’re too stressed out. 4. Remove toxin A bio-chemical researcher, William Frey had made a few studies that show emotional-caused tear contain toxin. This prove that tear also help to remove toxin from your body.

5 tiny creature that can kill you

Size didn’t really matter when it come to killing peoples, peoples who actually think only huge animals such as tiger and shark would be able to kill them is simple dead wrong. Here is a list of creature which can actually kill you and how they do it. Might want to double check around you house after reading this. You know, just in case. And don’t forget to bring the flame thrower with you. The Death Stalker Scorpion How it kill : This creature actually kill a few peoples every years using its six different, fast-acting neurotoxin. Might be a good ideas to check your shoes every time before your wear it from now on. The Harvester Ant How it kill : These bad boys are known to have the most toxic venom in the insect world. Other than that the harvester ants also attack in numbers. The Hooded Pitohui How it kill : just a bird, how could it be a deadly creature. Lets pet him! Well, petting this bird is actually a bad idea. It feather a coated by the same p