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Showing posts from April, 2014

They use to produces poison gas here, now this island is covered by bunnies

Okunoshima the rabbits island During the world war 2, Okunoshima is a location where the military manufactured the poison gas. The operation was so secret, the island it self had been erased from many maps. The bunnies were used to test the power of the chimecal weapon produced there. But that was years ago. Today, this is Bunnies Territory! After the world war, Okunoshima which sometime called Usagi Jima (rabbits island) had been developed as a park. The island now have a hotel, camping ground and even a golf course. Visitor can even swim in the water surrounding the island. However, a lot of peoples who arrive here might loose their desire to camping, swimming or even playing golf almost immediately due to being overwhelm by cuteness. Just look at this little fella! Photo by ikumi C @ Flickr | CC You’re not allowed to hunt these creatures here, obviously. And they don’t let dogs or cats around the island too. The ruin As you arrive on the island, you might see the

4 benefits of humans tear

Photo by OpenClipart It is true that crying for too long can cause your eye to turned red and swollen. However,tear also had it own goodness that will benefit your mind and body health. What are those benefits? Find out the benefits of your tear and cry! :D 1. Clear your view Liquid that come out of your eyes can help to prevent dehydration which will cause your view to become fuzzy. 2. Killing bacterias Your tear can also work as an antibiotic. There is something in your tear called Lisozom that’s able to kill about 90 to 95% of bacterias that can be found on your computer keyboard, stairs and many other places. 3. Improve your mood Crying can improve your mood when you’re too stressed out. 4. Remove toxin A bio-chemical researcher, William Frey had made a few studies that show emotional-caused tear contain toxin. This prove that tear also help to remove toxin from your body.