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The early generation of electronic devices

Electronic devices such as your smart phone and smart television didn't just pop up from no where. These high tech devices is a result of upgrading and innovating the earlier generation of them. Did you know how the first laptop, mobile phone and computer look like? If the answer is no, look at these pictures of the early generation of electronic devices.

The first Laptop ever called Osborne 1

The first computer created by the U.S military called ENIAC

The first personal computer produced by Apple on 1976

The first camera created by muslim scientists, Alhazen.

First radio produced by Guglielmo Marconi in 1895

First calculator invented by Blaise Pascal

Baire-type television in 1928

The first television set in 1939

First mobile phone called DynaTAC produced by Motorola

The first voice recorder by SONY


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